Wednesday, March 13, 2013

             Editorial writing
Minyoung Kim
ENG 306
The Healthy Silver Life: make your life safe.
 When we talk about safe life, people think lightly about fall.  People do not know well about injuries with falling.  Every year, one in every three adults over 65 years old falls. (CDC 2013)  Falls can cause several injuries such as fractures of hip, legs, or arm and brain trauma. . Over 95% of hip fractures are caused by falls.  In 2010, 2.3 million nonfatal fall injuries among older adults were treated in emergency departments and more than 662,000 of these patients were hospitalized. (CDC 2013)  These injuries can be the leading cause of early death.  The Healthy Silver life is going to really help to prevent fall. The program has a lot of interest in order to improve the health and quality of life of elder age.  The program concerned parties say most accident fallings can be prevented.  Many elderly people are ignore the risk of fall and do not have any knowledge about falling injuries.  The apathy is making a lot of falling accidents.  The program supports the activity class to educate elderly people to prevent falling easily.
 The activity class includes a game and dance time.  These activities improve balance and leg strength.  The class helps people to make their home safer by adding grab bars inside and outside the bathtub, shower, or stairways and improving the lighting.  Also, it recommends ingesting more calcium and vitamin D.
   Elderly people do not want to admit that their bodies are getting weaker and older.  So, they ignore how much they need the education for safe lives.  However, we know if they accept their bodies change and get the education they will enjoy safe lives.  I hope people get more knowledge about preventing fall and get better quality of lives.

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